วันอังคารที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

My favorite sport

Everybody should to exercise. Because sport help you to have a good health. And it will prevent you from sickness. In this world have many kinds of sport. Different people will play different sport belonging their style.
In this world have many kinds of sport. In some country have sport that other country do not have it. Such as country in Europe have ice-hockey but country in South-Asia do not have it. But it is a littlie bit of sport that have only some country. Most of sports have in all country.
A popular sports that we know it such as football basketball tennis table-tennis swimming etc. Each people will like a different sport. It belonging their social their environment and their life style. And belonging with their sex too. Some kinds of sport not match with woman but it not has rule that woman can’t play this sport. But it not match with woman because it is a sport that player wick attack such as football basketball etc. Some kind of sports play indoor. Some kind play outdoor. Some kinds play on the ground. Some kinds play in the water. Some kinds play on grass. Some kinds play in court. Some kinds must use table to play it. Because if we do not use a table to play it we can’t play such as such as table-tennis snooker etc.
I like swimming because it is a sport that I do not attack when I play it. Anyway an injured from swimming is a small injured. I learn swimming when I was 6 years old. I has first experience about swimming when I was a small children. First I think my parents told me to learn swimming because my family like to travel in a travel place that have a sea. If I can’t swimming I will not fun when I travel with my family. And most of resort have a swimming pool. When I learn in school I can think that if I can swimming I will a good health.
I have a good skill about swimming when I was in school. Because my old school was a famous school of Thailand. They have a good coach for teach me. Anyway I have first experience when I was a small children but I was very young than I received a good skill about swimming.
Each people will like different kinds of sport belonging their environment and climate of their country.
