วันอังคารที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Chinese New Year

Some countries in the world such as Thailand have two times of New Year. First time is New Year festival in the last day of last month of every year. These festivals most of people in the world was known it and has a different style celebrate in this festival. Second tome is Chinese New Year festival. This festival will be known only in China and in country that has Chinese people in there. Chinese tradition was known in much country because present human was received from their ancestor.
In Chinese New Year festival Chinese people or foreigner that their ancestor was Chinese people will respect their ancestor and a goddess. They will respect by 3 kinds of food such as pork, duck, chicken, fish, and octopus etc. And 5 kinds of fruit such as banana, orange, grape, mango, and apple etc. They respect their ancestor and a goddess because they believe that their ancestor and a goddess will protect them from bad things. And they will have a better live. In this festival a cousin has a meeting to enjoy together and have some delicious food same a small party. An adult will give money to children because it is Chinese tradition. And somebody gave money or presents to a police because they know that a police was very tired to do their duty. And they should to receive something for a reward of their duty.
In Thailand every year we have a Chinese New Year celebrate at “China Town Thailand” or we know it in name “Yao Wa Ratch”. Because “Yao Wa Ratch” is a biggest place that has Chinese people in there. “ Yao Wa Ratch” is a place that has everything about Chinese in there. And my family business was in “Yao Wa Racht” too. Usually every year “Yao Wa Racht” has a big ceremony about Chinese New Year festival. But this year “Yao Wa Racht” does not has a ceremony about Chinese New Year because the princess of Thailand was died on 2 January 2008. She was died because she has a cancer. She is an older sister of King of Thailand. So Thailand government has an order to cancel a party for100 days to respect her. Thai people love her very much because she does a lot of things for every class of Thai people.
A day before Chinese New Year day is a pay day. In today people will buy everything for next day for respect their ancestor and a goddess. A day after Chinese New Year day an adult will give money for their children, nephew, and niece. We know it in name “Ang Pao” They will put money in a red case or pink case. Because they believe that red color or pink color is a lucky color.
Chinese New Year was very popular in Thailand. Because in Thailand has a lot of Chinese people. Chinese people were stayed in the most of states in Thailand.

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The story of Matrix

To be told what you know will build up a boundary what you think you know. In both the Allegory of the Cave and The Matrix people were told by “enlightened” ones what the truth is about life. Although the subjects found it hard to believe them one day would find out that the truth isn’t just what they know, but it is what they will learn. In this essay I will compare the story The Allegory of the Cave, and the movie The Matrix.The movie
The Matrix shows how people think they are in a reality but when tough that they are not they are a big freaked out. In the movie Neo is told to meet with Morphius “the educated one” to discuss something important. Later on Neo has to make a choice to pick one of two pills. One pill will erase all memory of them meeting and he will go back to his “normal” life. The other pill with introduce him to what life is really like. In other words it was almost like he was in a dream and he would be awaken. Neo Picks the pill which will show him the truth and he is awaken but in much pain. This resembles the “Light” which will be discussed later. After being awoken Neo is told about how robots are controlling people for energy and how he is the one who must learn to bring down the machines and set people free. Neo doesn’t believe anything because he had been in such a false living for so long it is hard what to believe. After enough time and learning Neo ends up learning that he is the one and helps the human race defeat the machines.
In the story Allegory of the Cave the people are held in a cave and are shown shadows on a cave wall. The people are supposed to be able to think out what these “character” are and put names to these shapes. After a while the tough people who are holding the others to teach them take one person outside and shown the objects that were posted on the wall. On his way up to the surface too see these objects the person will see the sun for the first time so the journey is hard and steep. This shows that Education is not easy. After the “educated” person learns about these objects he is suppose to go teach the people who are still in the cave. Unfortunately when this “educated” person tries to explain about the shapes no one will believe him/her. This is because all they have ever known is right before them being projected on the cave wall. This shows that when people are in there comfort zone they don’t want to leave it. This is the same way in the Matrix. When Morphius tries to tell Neo and he docent believe him it is the same thing as the educated person trying to tell the non-educated people about the shapes.
The truth for what we learn can be very hard. In both The Matrix and the Allegory of the Cave, the characters are held in a false reality. All characters had a certain belief or comfort zone that they did not want to leave. This shows that even thought you think about something really in debt the way you may be living just not might be “real”. This is something that both Characters had to think about in Allegory of the Cave and the Matrix.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

My favorite sport and hobby

Everybody used their free time to do their favorite activity. It has many kinds of activity such as sport hobby. They do their favorite activity because they can use their free time for useful things. Their activity can safe their from social problem that popular in present social.
In present social have many kinds of problem. But one problem that is tobacco. It has many kinds of tobacco such as cigarette heroine opium etc. But we can protect ourselves from this problem by play a sport or do a favorite hobby that you like. It has many kinds of sport and hobby that you can choose it. Kinds of sport such as football, basketball, tennis, table-tennis, swimming etc. Kinds of hobby such as singing, collect a stamp, dance, play a guitar, play a piano etc. You can choose kinds of sport or hobby or both upon your favorite and skillful. Sport help to have a good health. Hobby decreases your serious.
Each people will like a different kinds of sport or different kinds of hobby because they have a different favorite and different skillful. For me I have a favorite sport and favorite hobby. My favorite sport is swimming. I learn swimming when I was young. I have first experience about swimming when I was 5 years old. When I learned in school I have a good experience about swimming because they have a good coach to teach me. They have a good skill for a student that never has a skill about swimming until they can swim. I was swimming all the time when I learned in school.
My favorite hobby is singing. I like singing I was young. I remembered that I like karaoke all the time that my family has a meal outside a house. But I learned singing when I am 14 years old. I learned singing with Maneenuch Samaerasut. I learned at “MS Voice Studio Academy”. This academy taught all of skill about singing such as breath in singing, vibrato etc. And they taught about backstage and dance too. This academy has the best teacher about singing. Before I learned at this academy my skill about singing was d very bad. But while I learned at this academy I founded that my skill about singing was better. I think swimming was important that help me to have a good skill about singing. Because swimming help me to have a big lungs. A lung was an important part for breath in singing. Many of Thai singer was graduated from this academy such as Tata Young, Podduang etc.
Every kind of sport and hobby solve or protect you from problem about tobacco and it give other good things too.

My Experience about Travel place

Most of people have an experience about travel place. Somebody never go to different travel place and have a different experience. Because they never have a good chance for travel. Different place will have a different experience for traveler. Every country in this world have a beautiful travel place that useful for traveler.
I ever went to travel in Thailand an abroad too. But I went to travel in Thailand many times than in abroad. Travel place in Thailand and abroad have good things and bad things in there. When I was 8 Years old I went to Hong Kong. It was my first time experience in abroad. I went there for travel.
When I was 10 years old I went to Singapore with my mother, my younger brother, my aunt and my grandmother. Singapore was a small country and nearly Thailand. We used 2 hours to fly to Singapore by airplane. Singapore was a very small country and travel place was not too much.
When I was 13 years old I went to United States of America with my mother, my younger brother and my aunt. United States of America was very far from Thailand so we used many times to fly to there. United States of America was a big country and have many states in there. So it have a lot of travel place. When I went to United States of America I went to Disneyland, Universal Studio, Hollywood Street and Grand Canyon. Disneyland was a big famous park in the world. Universal Studio was a place that Hollywood movies used this place for take a movies. Hollywood movies used Universal Studio such as King Kong MIB etc. Hollywood street have a lot of foot finger print of Hollywood actor and singer. Grand Canyon was a mountain in Las Vegas. When I was there I met with snow. It was my first tie experience with snow.
When I was 16 years old I went to Australia with my mother, my younger brother, my aunt, my uncle and grandmother. I went to Australia for visited my cousin and for travel too. Australia have many country and all of country have a travel place. But my cousin was in Sydney. So we only traveled in Sydney. In Sydney have a lot of travel place. But travel lace that famous for traveler such as Opera House etc.
I have first experience about Thailand travel place when I was young. My first experience about travel is travel in Thailand. I remembered that I went to Cha-Um with my family. Thailand have many views of Thailand travel place such as sea water-fall mountain etc. I ever went to most of there. All of Thailand country have a travel place. I like to travel in Thailand because it waste a little bit of time and money. And Thailand travel place was the most beautiful travel place in this world.
Each people in this world will like a different views of travel place. And like to travel in different country.

My Trip in New Year “08”

At last month of every year it have a Christmas festival and New Year festival. Because it was a last time of every year that most of people will celebrate. Each people will have a different celebrate upon their style. Each religion will celebrate in a different style too.
Christmas festival was a festival of Christian religion. Most of people in Europe such as United States of America United Kingdom believed that if children put their sock at the window at night of 25 December Santa Claus will come by ride a rein deer to give their a presents. But all of country in the world have a Christian people. So all of country in the world have a celebrate about. At Christmas festival but their celebrate will different country in Europe. On 22 December I went to my old school because it has party that we called X-Mas Fair. This party was happened in every year. In this party have many activities such as concert sell food sell a souvenir etc.
New Year festival was a festival that everybody in this world know it. Somebody will use this time to rest their family. They will travel because it was a long weekend. But somebody use this time to do their job. Because they have an important reasons to do it. At night of 26 December I went to Pai with my family. We traveled by bus. We arrived Chiang Mai at morning of 27 December. From Chiang Mai we take van to Pai. Pai is one country between Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Sorn. It was a famous country for traveler. We used 3 hours from Chiang Mai to Pai. We arrived Pai in the afternoon. The weather was cool. When we arrived we ate lunch and rent jeep in cost 1000 baht per 24 hours for drove to resort and travel place. I met my friends at Pai. We rest at “Baan Kra Ting Pai Resort”. View of guest house divide into two view “Garden View” and “River View”. A cost of guest house “Garden View” cheaper than “River View”. Travel place in Pai was a temple and mountain. I went to “Wat Mae Yen”, “Wat Num Hu” and People’s road walk. Travel place in Pai was not much because it was a little city but a view was very beautiful. Because behind of this city was “Pai River”. We leave from Pai in the afternoon of 28 December. And we leave from Chiang Mai at night of 28 December. We arrived Bangkok in the morning of 29 December. We traveled before New Year time because my parents have to open our restaurant in New Year time.
At 5.00 A.M. of 29 December I went to Chiang Mai with my friends. It has a traffic jam because people like to travel at north of Thailand. We arrived Chiang Mai in the afternoon and store our bag in the hotel. Then we have a dinner at “Khum Khantoke Restaurant”. This restaurant sold only north food. Between we have a dinner they had show about north culture too. This restaurant was designed in north style. Next, we went to Chiang Mai Night Plaza for shopping. I got two polo shirts and one pair of shoes from there.
Next morning we have a breakfast and drove a car to Chiang Rai. Between a way we call at “Snake Farm” and drove ATV car at “Mae Rim”. It was very fun. We arrived Chiang Rai at Night. Next day we traveled at “Doi Tung”, “Doi Chang Moob” and “Mae Sai market”. Doi tung had a beautiful flower garden. These flower have to change follow a season. Doi Chang Moob had a big stone that look like an elephant. Mae Sai market appropriate for people that like a shopping. Because everything at Mae Sai market was very cheap. In the evening we back to my friend’s home for have a dinner and count down to New Year. Weather at Chiang Rai and Pai was cool and I like it. I very fun with this trip because I went to many travel place. And I got an experience that I never met it. I am very tried but I think it was worthwhile. We arrived Bangkok at night of 1 December.
All of travel place in the world have fun and new experience that wait for you for keep it.